

Chyna’s Mother Threatens Legal Action on Reelz Over Autopsy Broadcast

The mother of the late Chyna (Joanie Laurer) is not happy that the Reelz channel is releasing a new episode of Autopsy: The Last Days Of focusing on her daughter’s death. Jan LaQue sent the network two letters after learning the show would air, the second even angrier than the first when her initial demand to not air it went ignored.

“If you continue on with this and defame Chyna or tarnish her legacy in any way, you are really opening yourself up to defamation. Not to mention personal and emotional duress on the part of myself and her family because of what you are doing. You need to be VERY clear that as her mother and her sole beneficiary, I am going to vigorously defend my daughter and her estate, protect her legacy from vultures like you who want to drag it through the mud, and do whatever I can to stop you and those like you from making a buck off of her tragedy both now and in the future.”

source: Pro Wrestling SheetClick Here: