

Kurt Angle Calls The Roman Reigns/John Cena Raw Segment A ‘Legit Shoot’

As previously noted, the John Cena/Roman Reigns promo segment from Monday’s Raw happened exactly the way WWE wanted it to. In short, Cena was supposed to say everything he said to Reigns on Monday, however, Raw GM Kurt Angle is saying that it was a complete shoot.

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On Tuesday morning, Angle posted a photo on his Instagram page with the following caption : “That look on your face when you realize the in ring promo has turn into a ‘legit shoot’ promo… and you’re enjoying it, and it was Awesome.”

Here’s the photo:

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That look on your face when you realize the in ring promo has turn into a "legit shoot" promo… and you're enjoying it, and it was Awesome. #CenaVsReigns #RawGM

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