

Two passengers say Frontier Airlines staff ignored requests for help after they were sexually assaulted

Two women are suing Frontier Airlines, claiming that they were assaulted on separate flights during 2018 and that airline employees did not alert the police or help them collect evidence.

The women have claimed they were assaulted by male passengers on flights last year and reported the incidents to flight attendants, according to CNN. The flight attendants, however, did not report the incidents, contact law enforcement or help the women get evidence or the identities of the men, the suit reportedly said. 

The flight attendants and alleged assailants are not named in the suit, which accuses Frontier of failing “to have and/or follow policies and procedures to prevent, report, and respond to sexual assault of its passengers on its flights,” the news network reported. 


Frontier spokeswoman Jennifer de la Cruz declined to comment on the claims because they involve pending litigation. 

“However, I can tell you that the safety of our passengers and crew members is our number one priority at Frontier Airlines and we have strict policies in place to proactively and appropriately respond to reports of misconduct and alleged crimes,” she said in an email to The Hill. 

The lawsuit comes amid an increased number of reported sexual assaults on commercial flights. 

FBI probes into midair sexual assaults increased by 66 percent between fiscal 2014 and fiscal 2017, according to CNN.