

CyberCom mulls aggressive tactics if Russia interferes in next election: report

The U.S. is working on information warfare tactics that could be used to counter possible Russian interference in the 2020 election, The Washington Post reported Wednesday, citing current and former officials. 

The U.S. Cyber Command (CyberCom) is mulling one strategy that would go after top Russian officials and elites to demonstrate that their personal information could be hit if interference continues, according to the Post.

The officials reportedly said that Russian President Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich PutinCyberCom mulls aggressive tactics if Russia interferes in next election: report Putin plays hockey at Red Square on Christmas Putin: Russia now leading world in hypersonic weapons MORE would likely not be a target because that would be too provocative. 


The Post reported last month that an intelligence community report found that Russia’s top goal for its 2020 operations would be to sow discord in the U.S.

“It’s always been about exacerbating fault lines in our society,” one official told the newspaper. 

The Hill has reached out to CyberCom and the Defense Department for comment. 

The reported tactics would build upon past efforts. The New York Times reported last year that the U.S. was conducting cyber operations meant to prevent interference in the 2018 midterm election. 

The Washington Post has previously reported that CyberCom officials have said they were able to block internet access for a major Russian troll farm on Election Day. 

Former special counsel Robert MuellerRobert (Bob) Swan MuellerSchiff: Trump acquittal in Senate trial would not signal a ‘failure’ Jeffries blasts Trump for attack on Thunberg at impeachment hearing Live coverage: House Judiciary to vote on impeachment after surprise delay MORE‘s team determined earlier this year that Russia aimed to help President Trump win the 2016 presidential election. The team did not find that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia. 

The Senate Intelligence Committee, in a report this year, has also found “extensive” election interference from Russians.

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