

New Shorter Full-Length Flares with Heels

Last month we discussed the new trendy shorter length of flared pants and jeans worn with flats. This time round, we’re looking at the same wide, roomy flared pants and jeans silhouette sported at the new shorter full length, but with heels. 

The idea is that the flared hems rest just above or on the vamp of the shoes. No break line or scrunch, no soggy hems, and no sweeping the pavements with your bottoms. The length is ankle-covering and not cropped, so there’s insulation. This is full length, yet not floor-skimming and extra long. You see your shoes in all their glory instead of covering them up.

This collection shows good examples.

Wearing the new shorter full length with heels is practical and easy, and that part I like. Visually though, I prefer the new shorter full-length flare worn with flats and sneakers. With heels, I like the look of extra long floor-skimming lengths, like these:

That said, the new shorter length with heels is growing on me. I like the length worn with a tucked or semi-tucked top that lengthens the leg line from the thighs upward. I particularly like the combination of these COS full-length wide pants worn a little shorter with the wedged boots. The lack of break line is clean, and the shape of the boot is a seamless continuation of the hem. Looks sharp.

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Over to you. What do you think of the new shorter full-length flared pant or jean worn with heels?