

Report: Pompeo had secret meeting with GOP donors in London

Secretary of State Mike PompeoMichael (Mike) Richard PompeoReport: Pompeo had secret meeting with GOP donors in London The shifting impeachment positions of Jonathan Turley The Hill’s Morning Report – Dem dilemma on articles of impeachment MORE met recently with a conservative group, including a few wealthy Republican donors, while in London, a meeting not on his official schedule, CNN reported Thursday.

The news network obtained a copy of an invitation to the gathering and spoke with people who attended it. 

The meeting was hosted by the Hamilton Society and occurred at the hotel while Pompeo was staying while abroad for a NATO summit, CNN reported. 


The people who attended the meeting were reportedly instructed to leave their phones outside so that Pompeo’s comments wouldn’t be recorded. 

“Everyone is right of center, so it was a safe space,” one person told CNN, adding that Pompeo was “very chatty, casual, and entertaining.”

The Hill has reached out to the State Department for comment on the reported meeting. 

It comes amid speculation that Pompeo could run for Senate in his home state of Kansas. Pompeo has repeatedly said that his focus is being Trump’s secretary of State when asked whether he would run for Senate, but does frequent interviews with local media there.